Wednesday, January 19, 2022


No university, big or small, should be run by a man who has the emotional maturity of a 17 year old. I used to feel men got involved in affairs because they couldn't leave their little kids, or their fortunes. But after being involved with several married men, for love or money, I have learned that these men are just assholes, cowards, who want to have their cake and eat it too. Some probably think they are so fab they deserve to have a wife and a mistress. After all, hasn't it been so for men of affluence from beginning of time? No more assholes!!!

But I reserve the worse contempt for the wives of such men, who with their complacency allow such behavior to go on. Some stay because of their little kids, some like Hillary for position and power, some for the lifestyle. Whatever, it is, they are the enablers with self-esteems so low they almost deserve to be cheated on. So, the next time you judge the "other woman", remember the enabling wife.

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