Thursday, January 27, 2022


Let them go! Why would they report this crime to the police?! There already was a warrant for their step-father's arrest and he was still walking around free, sexually abusing little girls and ruining lives. These three young men stopped another heartbreaking crime. Let them go! Send them to anger management classes. These aren't criminals! These are vigilantes. And heroes certainly to their little sister and other would be victims of the monster they beat and left for dead. 


Some years back when I read in myriad places that the US has stopped manufacturing things due to high cost of labor and has farmed it all out to China, becoming instead a service economy, I shook my head before I gave a grimace. 

US a service economy? I come from the Middle East. So, I know many cultures including the Far East, have all sorts of niceties and manners and so on. Perhaps not honest but other people in the world know how to give service. Direct, mannerless, crude Americans making a service economy?! Not a talent we have. 

On the other hand, we have made things and made them well. When I was visiting Iran in 2009, while the country was under sanctions, I made sure to look at every item I came across. Toilet? Made in Iran. Toothpaste? Made in Iran, and so on. This not only gave factory workers income, large swath of the masses, who support the Mullahs, but made Iran pretty self-sufficient. We, on the other hand, took the jobs of our masses and send them abroad so that big corporations can make more money for the top brass. And so they elected Donald Trump! 

I am very happy to see in the news that we are beginning to make our own planes, our own chips, not potato! We make things well, we should make our own stuff, not because Covid or something similar can disrupt our supply chains and economy, although that is valid, but because we need to be self-sufficient when it does.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


No university, big or small, should be run by a man who has the emotional maturity of a 17 year old. I used to feel men got involved in affairs because they couldn't leave their little kids, or their fortunes. But after being involved with several married men, for love or money, I have learned that these men are just assholes, cowards, who want to have their cake and eat it too. Some probably think they are so fab they deserve to have a wife and a mistress. After all, hasn't it been so for men of affluence from beginning of time? No more assholes!!!

But I reserve the worse contempt for the wives of such men, who with their complacency allow such behavior to go on. Some stay because of their little kids, some like Hillary for position and power, some for the lifestyle. Whatever, it is, they are the enablers with self-esteems so low they almost deserve to be cheated on. So, the next time you judge the "other woman", remember the enabling wife.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


The above article appeared in The New York Times today. Finally, finally, my long time question has been answered. I have been interested in whether female animals have orgasms for years. When I first started to Google the topic, I found nothing but bestiality sites or blogs. On one a man described in full loving detail how to get your female dog let you fuck her. Some years later, I actually found an article stating that many animals have their clitoris inside their vaginas, so intercourse directly stimulates it. It also stated that at some point, the female clitoris moved outside the vagina and sits where it does now above it. I'm not clear, as I haven't seen any research on it, why that happened in terms of evolution. A friend of mine often said that sometimes evolution doesn't improve things; it just doesn't worsen things so much that the species dies out. The wandering of the clit, however, has led to centuries of bad sex for many women, unfortunately. Still, male aggression overcame female reluctance and we ended up over-populating the earth anyway. 

Now, finally, there is actual research on this. We have come a long way. It's good to be here. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022




Difficulty paying usual household expenses

As Republicans predicted, they stop working. Take away free money and they will start looking for jobs! As a democrat, I would love to believe in the goodness of human nature but the stats make it difficult. Human nature harbors a lot of laziness. That's a fact. I, as a human, am not exempt from this, but it's good for economists to keep in mind when proposing fiscal policies. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022


In a previous post, I wrote how surprised I was that Maxwell's trial ended as it did, with her going to prison for the rest of her miserable life. Now, of course comes chapter two. Just as I predicted, the bitch will eventually go free as time served and/or probation and or simple mistrial, let out on a technicality. Conspiracy all the way. I see the paws of the British royal family all over this.

This is why conservatives hate democrats! A democrat myself, I'm beginning to hate the extremist ones. The government wants to raise money to help the poor, the government goes after tax evaders. The government who can never enact meaningful finance reform can't go after the big guys (corporations and trillionaires )so who will it squeeze? Gig workers who get paid $601 for this or that. Mark my words, those who will be audited will be the low hanging fruit not people and entities with shark lawyers on retainers to sue the government or fight it in courts for years over the minutia of the tax code.  I'm fast turning Republican. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


I met Ghislaine Maxwell sometime in the early1980s, not long after her father supposedly fell off his boat in the night and drowned. I met her through a childhood friend who had moved to New York to escape her parents bitterly public, expensive divorce. My friend was Ghislaine's roommate in the one bedroom apartment that the media keeps mentioning. It was in the roundish building near Columbus Circle and 7th Ave. Ghislaine had the real bedroom; my friend's bedroom was actually a large closet off the living room with a pair of sliding glass doors to let in light. I visited my friend only once there when she first moved in and met Ghislaine then. She was a cold, standoffish bitch, not interested in even getting a coffee or a drink with her roommate and her roommates best friend. I guess she had her mind on snagging herself a millionaire to revamp the life style her father's financial dishonesty and death, perhaps suicide, had left devastated. 

At hearing about her father's death, I remarked to my friend, "Well, he came into this world barefoot and he left this world barefoot." My friend snapped that, "only I would say such a thing." But I was more correct than I knew. The man had committed all kinds of financial crimes before his death and was basically a pauper, just as he was to begin with. Well, I didn't like Ghislaine then and I sure like her less now. 

But I didn't think her trial would turn out the way it did. I thought she would squeal on the powerful men who I'm fairly sure had sex with those girls. She didn't. So I thought, they are helping her behind the scenes to get off easy, get a slap on the wrist or even time served and probation, then when out, they would make all kinds of contributions to her lifestyle under the table. 

But the white men threw her to the wolves. Now, facing up to 40 years in prison with appeal being a long-shot, I'm wondering what she will do. Maybe she didn't squeal because she didn't want to be found dead in her cell, who knows. 

I'm sure many an agent and publisher is chasing her for a tell-all book. I hope she writes it. Once, again a woman pays for the crime of men. How unsurprising. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


How many times are we going to read about diets not working? The above article appeared today in The New York Times online, maybe just my online : ) but it brought home that even a respected publication like this one keeps repeating well-known facts without addressing the real, underlying issues with our society. My response published today follows:

Shadi Mir
NYC54m ago

I appreciate the veracity of this article, but I find it redundant for those of us who have known these facts for a long time. The research about diets not working isn't new. It has been around for several decades now. Yet dieting or not, Americans, and in fact the prosperous around the world, are gaining weight, many becoming obese and unhealthy. Our issue is the capitalistic commodification of food. From giant food companies selling chips and soda, to mom and pop makers of the latest version of the donut, food has become a commodity pushed onto consumers. Moreover, the sellers of food play on our lizard/child brains by providing the consumer with what the human brain and body need most--fat, salt and sugar. Food has become a pleasure activity, and as such has lost its bigger purpose, to nourish. Meanwhile, another capitalistic sector--apparel is normalizing being fat, excuse me large, to sell its own products. The only way for us to eat healthy is to be taught from the very beginning of our lives that we eat to nurture our bodies first and enjoy the transient pleasure second. There is no way a kid raised on pizza and soda will enjoy salads as an adult. There are always exceptions of course, but it holds true for the majority. The research is there.


I was extremely critical of this extremely privileged Arab woman, a human rights lawyer, for not speaking out against the genocide in Palest...