Saturday, December 4, 2021


In 2016, we marched against Trump, a little too late. He was already elected. We marched on his inauguration day. But a part of me knew it was useless. I knew he would shit on the country and he did. But we remembered it in 2020. We voted. In some ways too late. 

The following article appeared in The NY Times yesterday: The Supreme Court Gaslights Its Way to the End of Roe. Below is my response.

Shadi Mir
NYCDec. 3

Did anyone with half a brain ever think that this court would uphold Roe v Wade? The conversation should be about what will happen once it doesn't, about how the pro-choice movement is going to fight this atrocity through the power of the states and the legislature. Choice or taking away of it will be a big midterm boost for the Democrats as well as at the polls during the next presidential elections. I hope it will galvanize more people to VOTE. I came from a country where voting is meaningless, the elections are openly rigged, and opponents are murdered. So, to me when an American doesn't vote to protect their rights, it's criminal. The wise knew once the British handed over Hong Kong what would happen and many immigrated immediately. We now know what will happen to Taiwan too, so let's not be surprised when it does. The same way, we must mobilize for this particular sad inevitability.

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