Sunday, May 22, 2022


In my 20s, I had two fur coats, a brown mink and a silver fox. They were both very warm. Then my friend Carolyn Mahboubi told me to watch a video on fur farms. I sold my furs and haven't worn one since. Nowadays, with all the alternatives, there is no need to wear fur for warmth. Those who do for status and show of wealth, are morally bankrupt. These animals are treated as objects, dead before being killed, worse than agricultural animals. Look at them all at the wires like human prisoners. Perhaps the association between Covid and fur farms will pursue more people to give up supporting the torture of these animals and vacuous symbols of material prosperity.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


It's really great that nobody reads my blog because I can say whatever the fuck I want. In this instance, I blogged about this abortion ruling coming down from this court some months back. Anyone who is surprised at this news is also surprised that Putin is a murderous maniac, but the human population has a nasty habit of not seeing danger coming until it hits it square in the face. Climate Crisis, anyone?!

Having said that, this news is great for Democrats during the mid-terms. Now, hopefully, we will not  lose seats in Congress but gain some. We'll see how galvanizing the threat of land of no-abortions will be. I still say, volunteers and entrepreneurs should open their homes/airbnbs to abortion tourism.  Doesn't matter principle or profit, somebody should help young women keep their lives as they want them to be, not as some assholes tell them it must be. 

Monday, May 2, 2022


Usually I write about something that has gotten my goat, but today I'm writing from a bit of sadness, a bit of nostalgia. I was too young to go to studio 54 when I first arrived in NYC at 17. It closed before I started going out to nightclubs or rather discotheques. But I went to Regine's often and loved it. I never came across a celebrity there, but had a fun time every time. When I worked at International Promotions, our boss once took the whole office staff there to celebrate us. She was a cool woman, Narissa Bainbridge was. A tough Jamaican who taught me that when you are thrown on your ass by life, you get up, dust off and go on. 

Today, Regine's obituary in The Times reminded me of my youth, those glamorous times, and it seems that with her death a chapter in my life has also closed. I felt the same way when I read Alex of LA's obituary too some time back. Life marches on, no doubt about that. 


I was extremely critical of this extremely privileged Arab woman, a human rights lawyer, for not speaking out against the genocide in Palest...