Saturday, February 19, 2022


The last couple of days, two articles in the the Times online have really gotten my goat. This one talks about the Sacklers, the pharma pill pushers having upped their settlement offer with those who got hooked on their pills to one billion dollars! The article the day before reported on more student debt being cancelled but only for those who were "tricked" by their for profit dishonest upper education institutions. 

Well, as a starving writer who can't even afford to pay a decent editor to edit my recently completed novel, this shit really gets me. Why do people have to pay other people for being stupid? Only stupid people go to those colleges; smart ones go to hundreds that are actually legitimate institutions of learning. So, why does the government compensate not all students but some students? It pays the stupidest of students who can't tell a hoax when they see it.

The Sackler article takes the cake. By free will you take pill pusher's pills, get addicted, use more, devastate your life then sue the pill pusher? The pill pusher was just doing its job. No one held a gun to those people's heads to take pills, but oh they do feel so good, until they don't. After a 2010 emergency ulcer operation I was given all the oxycodone I wanted. I didn't become addicted because they constipate you and I'm very attached to my regular bowel movement (sorry to be gross). But when I was given the pills like they were candy, it was public knowledge that they are addictive. The doctor told me so, the literature online told people so as well. Now, I wish I had become addicted. I could have paid an editor and realized my life long ambition. Oh, well in this country one pays for being smart. 

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