Thursday, February 10, 2022


I believe that humans are omnivores; like our cousins, the chimps, we have the teeth structure to prove it. But only humans torture their food for greed. I have limited my consumption of meat to beef and chicken, always free range when I buy to cook at home. At restaurants, it's harder to hold to principles. I commend the Times for putting this horrific issue on its front online page and bringing it into the mainstream. I hope we all think about these images when we eat our next meat meal

The New York Times

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Shadi Mir | NYC
Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront and hopefully to the attention of mainstream consumers of conventionally raised meat. I believe, humans are omnivores (our teeth structure proves it), but to treat live animals as inanimate objects in name of profit is monstrous. I hope the government passes regulations to limit this kind of animal exploitation.

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