Sunday, April 3, 2022


I am so sick of this fake woke stuff. I will be the first to say that when it comes to brains women are equal (different yes, but equal) to men in every way. Differences are evident in our bodies as well; many men are bigger and stronger than women, many women are more flexible than men. However, when it comes to competitive sports, I firmly believe that initial biology should determine which team one plays for. Just like some male gymnasts or yoga practitioners may find themselves at a disadvantage against a female in this arena, an XX athlete will find herself at a disadvantage against an XY athlete no matter how many body parts have been altered and how much hormone the person has taken. 

Chromosomes should determine this not social norms. Chromosomes have done their job for hundreds of thousands of years. Transgender designations and such are what, fifty years old ? And may change yet.

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