Saturday, April 22, 2023


I haven't written in a long while, seeing how I'm in an MFA program working on a novel, but this article and the lack of space for comments, prompted me. It is the outrage I feel at these people's demands that made my fingers itch to write. 

For one, the cult of the individual has become so strong that every person expects the institutions they attend or serve tailor their values and policies to the individual's needs---that's a lot of policies.

Second, as someone who was chased out of her own country under the name of religion or the pretense of it, I'm yes, intolerant of women who choose or cower to the hijab. I often want to scream at them that we here don't want their backward, uncivilized, barbarian values and if they want to keep them, isn't it so much easier to keep them in their own barbarian, uncivilized, backward countries that they chose to leave?

Third, no one made these people come here, or enroll at Stuyvesant. You don't like its ways, go to some muslim school where you can continue to be a benighted hijabi ruled by men. 


I was extremely critical of this extremely privileged Arab woman, a human rights lawyer, for not speaking out against the genocide in Palest...